Project Overview
Launch : 1st Jan 2018
Lyrics2learn (L2L) is a K-5th grade reading fluency tool helping teachers make reading practice fun while driving achievement. The legacy system did not facilitate rapid testing and rollout of new lessons. Furthermore, it was not designed for autoscaling.
The Plan
Step One
Most of our engagements start with the same three tasks: (i) learn the client’s growth strategy and pain points; (ii) take a deep dive into the existing code; and, (iii) work with management to identify and prioritize website features that would best support their growth.
Step Two
We created temporary “patches” to stabilize the current platform while working with management to identify the features needed to support their future operations and growth.
Step Three
Redesigned the system to minimize cloud service/infrastructure costs while prioritizing new features that maximized growth.
The Outcome
The new system architecture provides L2L with:
- A set of curriculum development tools allowing educators to design, test and launch new lessons;
- A scriptable game engine using Phaser.js, JSON, TexturePacker and mp3 audio files;
- Student performance evaluation tools to identify and support reading weaknesses;
- An autoscaling platform that reduced cloud service costs by 2/3rds.

Tech We Used

Tech We Used